It’s happening, folks! I am very much looking forward to bringing you into my Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) journey including the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of it all. Y’all know I roll deep in transparency and throughout these posts you will continue to see nothing but that from me. It is of utmost importance to me that the veil be lifted when it comes to deep healing and all that it looks like.
I am beyond thrilled to be partnering in this with Dr. Melanie Keller from SIBO Solution! I like to call her “The Unicorn Whisperer” (which is a term that those of us with chronic illness like to use to refer to ourselves-you know, because unicorns are rare, mythological creatures that no one can wrap their heads around!) She is dialed into SIBO and other chronic health conditions, has her pulse on the latest and cutting edge research, and has a deep compassion for those of us afflicted with horrible health conditions. I cannot wait for her to impart her knowledge and expertise into these posts.
Two Worlds Collide
I believe that bringing you the patient’s experience and the doctor’s expertise in the same post will be powerful. I’m going to bring you along with me through each stage of this process (no matter how ugly it may get) and chronicle the steps I am taking and my progress through my posts. Dr. Keller will also share her expertise from her point of view regarding my current situation and progress and other educational topics pertaining to SIBO.
Can I just tell you how thrilled I am about this?! I think these posts will bring healing and education into our Autoimmune and SIBO communities.
A Bit of Background
For those of you who have been around even for a millisecond, you know that I follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet. I have added a few things here and there but typically follow those guidelines plus I do not eat fruit and red meat(!). While this diet (which can be known as the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol) served me very well for a couple of years regarding some of my illnesses and inflammation levels, it has not been enough for full healing and definitely not enough to heal my SIBO as my illnesses go well beyond autoimmunity. At the present, the diet and other approaches have not aided in lowering my very high C-Reactive Protein (CRP) levels that have been elevated for almost two years to doctors’ bewilderment!

Photo credit: Chris Kresser
But What Is SIBO?
According to Dr. Keller’s website, “SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) is a condition that presents differently in each individual based on their unique microbiota and life experiences. SIBO is characterized by an overgrowth of commensal bacteria in the small intestine. Small intestine bacterial overgrowth usually occurs due to a disruption in the cleaning action wave known as the migrating motor complex (MMC.)
When bacteria (and/or archaea) either do not properly move through the small intestine or they might ‘reflux’ from the large intestine into the small intestine. The bacteria may then overpopulate and produce gas/es that lead to the multitude of unpleasant signs and symptoms of this condition.
Common digestive signs and symptoms present as changes in bowel function such as constipation, diarrhea or mixed stool consistency. It may also be unexplained mild to severe abdominal pain and / or abdominal bloating and distention, passing gas and / or burping or even very minor gastrointestinal distress.
Allergies, asthma, eczema, food sensitivities and ‘leaky gut’ are also associated with SIBO.”
How I Initially Started Treating SIBO
Prior to me connecting with Dr. Keller, my Naturopath suggested I take Candibactin AR and BR to treat my SIBO. Candibactin-AR contains Thyme, Oregano, Sage and Lemon Balm plus other added ingredients. Candibactin-BR is comprised of Coptis Root & Rhizome, Chinese Skullcap Root, Phellodendron Bark, Ginger Rhizome, Chinese Licorice Root, Chinese Rhubarb Root & Rhizome. While I know many who can tolerate herbs, I am not one of them at the present. I decided to try them anyway because my Naturopath said the alternative would be antibiotics and I wanted to at least try this route first.
When I started taking Candibactin I did it at 1/5 of the dose that was recommended and it was kicking my butt! I suffered from debilitating fatigue. At the time, I attributed that to possible die-off symptoms so I kept taking the herbs. I actually increased the dosage until I was taking the prescribed, full dose. It was not pretty. Then I think my immune system wigged out (that’s the scientific term.) (=
In addition to taking these herbs, I was taking boat loads of other supplements to help support my body. Most supplements were from Standard Process but I had several that were from various different companies. In conjunction with seeing my Naturopath, I was also seeing a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner for Nutritional Response Testing. She would help identify the weak organs in my body through muscle testing in addition to identifying any underlying issues with viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, fungus or foods that were blocking my healing. She would then recommend various supplements to help get me balanced and functioning well. While I really loved doing this, it became a bit of a hamster wheel for me. It was like a band aid approach and while it was really good in a lot of ways, it never really translated into the deep healing I desired.
Next, was the intersection at where I met Dr. Keller. Before we get too far ahead, I want to introduce you to Dr. Keller, her approach and her background.
Please Meet Dr. Melanie Keller
Her Credentials: Dr. Keller obtained her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Degree from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, Oregon. Her education included an extended internship and post graduate training with renowned Dr. Steven Sandberg-Lewis ND, DHANP as well as post graduate training with Dr. Allison Siebecker ND, MSOM, LAc.
Her Passion: While she has outwardly professed her love of research and discovery in the field of health, it was her own health concerns that led her on this career path. The prevailing standard of care never helped her, and she realized that if she was going to see results, she’d have to take action herself.
Her Approach: Dr. Keller has listened to hundreds and hundreds of patients and has concluded that many doctors and other providers lack the specific knowledge necessary to effectively treat SIBO. Her ongoing communication and training with experts in SIBO from around the world has put her at the forefront of research in this very new field. Constant study and contact with patients has lead her to understand the underlying mechanisms involved in SIBO. As a result, she knows that the critical risk factors must be addressed first and head on before lasting results can be achieved. Her approach rests upon a simple premise: She helps her patients identify the root cause of their illness and then creates a road map for healing.
Does she not sound like a doctor after our own SIBO and autoimmune hearts? Well, she is and every bit more!
In the posts to follow I’ll be giving you the back stage pass as it all plays out in my life. I’m glad that you are on my SIBO journey with me!
UPDATE: To continue reading my SIBO Journey, take a look at the next article in the series.
To stay up-to-date on things SIBO and much more, join our sleuthy community so you don’t miss a thing!
Have you been diagnosed with SIBO? Where are you in your journey?
The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.
Please consult your health care provider, or contact Dr. Melanie Keller at SIBO Solution! for an appointment, before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. Dr. Melanie Keller of SIBO Solution! and Kacy Anacan of Sisters Undercover expressly disclaim responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site. Dr. Melanie Keller of SIBO Solution! and Kacy Anacan of Sisters Undercover do not endorse specifically any test, treatment, or procedure mentioned on the site.
Excited to follow along. Suffering with SIBO and on Candibactin AR and not handling it very well. Hoping there’s another answer for me!
Hi Tracey! I’m glad you are going to be a part of this with me! I had a really hard time on Candibactin. I’m excited to explore some different avenues. I’m hoping that your answer comes swiftly!
I have SIBO and am very thankful for this blog. It is fantastic that you were able to find a doctor that is willing to do this with you, and find the root cause. It is tough to find a doctor like Dr. Keller but I won’t give up trying to find one because I am determined to get better.
Hi Kate! Thank you for your sweet words. The good news is that I see Dr. Keller remotely via SKYPE, so if you are looking for a great SIBO doctor, she is fantastic! Her website is if you want to shoot her assistant an e-mail if you have any questions. I am determined with you that you will find healing!