Doing Something Different
I’m going to show you, through pictures, what this time period looked like (read the captions)….

Our annual Thanksgiving Tree only made it up because of my husband and daughter and my sheer will to put them to work!

Coaching my hubby through the ballet bun process all while I was too weak and laying in bed

We normally go down to San Diego for Thanksgiving to spend it with my family, but not this year. On Thanksgiving itself, I got ready and… laid in bed all day trying to recover from showering and putting makeup on.

My husband normally creates the Thanksgiving feast (he cooks our own Thanksgiving every year after we come home from my family) and I make the dessert. This year he really had to do it on his own. My daughter was a big helper too!

Wearing sunglasses because I was sensitive to light and then we just got silly…we just go with it! Me with my alkaline water and him with his wine!

Paleo Pumpkin Pie! Thanks hubs!

The new Gilmore Girls episodes came out and we binged!

Putting up the tree
As you can see, there was a big ole gap between the first day of November and Thanksgiving….rough month.

My BFF and her hubs on their wedding day…which literally was one of the best days of my life!

My lil family rockin’ the wedding!

The day after the wedding I could function and we made these fab Paleo Chocolate Chip cookies and got more and more into the Christmas spirit!

My daughter was in her first Nutcracker as a mouse and as one of Clara’s best friends! I wasn’t feeling overly great, but I was there and very present.

Getting to do that mom thing we do…last minute fixes!

My beauty right before her second performance.

Backstage family shenanigans!

My hubby was asked to speak at the Wreaths Across America event. I was honored to be there to support him and then I went straight from this event to Beverly Hills to meet with Dr. Rahbar.

We were invited on a friend’s boat to go see the Newport Beach boat parade. It was awesome and totally freezing. I couldn’t feel my face!

Singing Christmas carols with the cousins…

A rare Sisters sighting!

A community near by goes to town on Christmas decorations and it was so fun to get out and stroll the streets with my fam.

A few days before Christmas we made the trek to San Diego to spend time with my sister and her family and my parents. We all went to town a making our own graham cracker “houses”. I decided to make a bridge!

Late night card playing with with parents and hubby. Anyone else play hand and foot?

The Christmas Eve feast made for the Paleo and non-Paleo peeps

Taking in the moment of feeling so well this month and enjoying the Christmas Eve festivities

The whole Fam!

Ummmm The Pie in the Face Game…my favorite!

Christmas morn!

I was on a downhill descent at this point but still loving Christmas morning with my lil fam

NYE! It was a fun night feasting, playing games and…

We capped off the night with a dance party! Wow! December…you rocked!
Thank you, December! I am thoroughly surprised and oh so grateful!
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