We Are Revealing Our Top 3 Natural, Non-Toxic Deodorants!
First, why do we have B.O.?
Body odor is the bacterial breakdown of perspiration. Your sweat would smell fine if you didn’t produce bacteria. This bacteria is fed by our sweat and that causes us to smell. So diet and body composition determines our stinkiness.
We both seem to be smelly, but Kacy wins the Super Stinker Award! Kacy’s skin is also more sensitive. Kara has been smelly for about two years, thankfully her friends and family have been supportive in her quest for an effective natural deodorant. Kacy’s quest has gone on even longer. It has been a long road, years in the making, long before Sisters Undercover was born. The hunt for a non-toxic deodorant that actually keeps us smelling fresh and won’t ruin our clothes. It doesn’t seem like such a tall order, but it is.

photo credit- greatist.com
First, what is in a “regular” deodorant that you find at Walgreens or CVS that you may want to avoid?
- Parabens– Some studies show it mimics estrogen. If you’re a label reader these show up as Methyl, ethyl, propyl, benzyl, butyl.
- Aluminum Compounds– this is the component in an anti-perspirant that keeps you dry. It can clog your sweat ducts and possibly mimics estrogen. On the label- Aluminum Chlorohydrate, aluminum zirconium, tertrachlorohydrex gly
- Silica-a skin irritant and can be contaminated by crystalline quartz which is a carcinogen.
- Triclosan-an irritant, can cause dermatitis. It kills good and bad bacteria and is classified as a pesticide by the FDA. This is one of the chemicals in the antibacterial soaps that was just banned by the FDA. If you have awhile and would like to read the FDA report here it is. FDA REPORT
- Talc– The IARC (Internation Agency for Research on Cancer) says it contains asbestiform fibers the quantity of asbestiform fibers (carcinogen) is not known because it is not regulated.
- Propylene Glycol– It’s a neurotoxin. Possibly allergic reactions and is known to cause kidney and liver damage.
- Steareth– (it will usually have a number next to it) this is derived from vegetables, BUT is reacted with ethylene oxide (carcinogen).
- Fragrance– skin irritant, cause allergic reactions, harmful to environment and some organ system toxicity.
You can find more in-depth information on naturalnews.com and the Environmental Working Group has an app to help you navigate products while you are at the store. Kacy wrote a little something about EWG.org awhile back if you want more info on them.
Now onto our Faves!
Kara’s Top 3 Picks:
Drum roll please…………….
The ingredients: Aluminumfree sodium bicarbonate, lavandula angustifolia (lavender), and melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree). I found out about LifeStinks when I was at Natural Foods Expo West, I met these wonderful sisters and was inspired by their stories and their passion for helping those with health issues. They are truly on a mission! I tried the lavender Regular Strength and it worked and helped keep me dry too. I tried this for a month and it definitely controlled the odor and didn’t harm my clothes. You sprinkle a small amount on your fingers and rub it into your pits. The amount you need to use is so tiny that this was the deodorant that used the least amount of product with the best results! There were days I needed to reapply after about 5 hours, but this non-toxic deodorant helps keep you dry too. I haven’t tried the extra strength or stink stick, but hopefully that would eliminate the need to reapply! These sisters all have inspiring stories worth checking out and they make a natural, effective product that works. The Duggan Sisters. They have other products as well, I have yet to try them, but you can be sure I will soon!

The Duggan Sisters at Natural Food Expo West!
Primally Pure
The Ingredients: Organic Arrowroot Powder, *Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Tallow from Grass-Fed Cows, Baking Soda, Organic Beeswax, Organic Lavender Essential Oil. After we did our Facebook Live about our non-toxic deodorant hunt a fellow sleuth out there suggested we try Primally Pure and we did and I love it. It comes in a stick form and keeps me smelling fresh from morning until evening. I usually reapply about 8 hours in. It hasn’t irritated my skin, even after shaving and hasn’t ruined one single shirt! The lavender scent is subtle and long lasting. Thank you, Instagram follower @just_me_healing for the recommendation!
The Ingredients: Cocoa Butter, Arrowroot Powder, Baking Soda- no aluminum, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Candelilla. I found this randomly searching Amazon for natural deodorants and I really love it. It is in a regular type deodorant solid stick container, you either use it right out of the shower while you’re still wet or you need to wet it a little to soften it to apply. I just run it under the tap for a few seconds. This keeps me fresh all day. If I have had an unusually active day or if I’ve gotten overheated I will reapply, otherwise I don’t get stinky again until right around bedtime! Sweet Alternatives has other products as well, go check them out.
So here’s the deal. I think the best lesson I learned with trying out a significant amount of non-toxic deodorants, well into the double digits. It is a good idea to reapply and you may need to rotate a few every month or so. It is almost like my body gets immune to one deodorant and it isn’t as effective after a month or six weeks and then I go to my next favorite and after about 4-6 weeks go to the next and I stay fresh longer. Now that I have a few I absolutely love, I can rotate, not ruin my clothes and feel fresh all day long. It is unfortunate that you have to reapply most natural deodorants, but I believe it is worth it and if you find a few that you like then you can rotate them and it’s not a big deal. I encourage you to try a natural alternative to something you use everyday. Little changes, can make a big impact!
Kacy’s Top 3 Picks:
Between the 2 of us I think we have tried over 30 different, natural deodorants. I’ve made my own, I’ve used lemon or lime, I’ve used straight up baking soda and I’ve purchased a ton. It has been a crazy journey to find a deodorant that can mask the stank, not ruin my precious clothes and not make my pits look like a teenagers face! I’ve got sensitive pits and some of those just straight up sting yo!
The Circle Is Now Complete
At long last, my search is over. My pilgrimage is complete. I can finally stop asking my husband to smell my armpits! We take our investigations super seriously and since I can’t get my sniffer right on up in there, someone’s gotta make sure these deodorants are lasting! Good thing he loves me 🙂 By the way, as you read this, you may be able to hear me singing the Hallelujah chorus in the background.
I was first introduced to Fatco at Expo West this year and I chose them as one of my fave beauty product companies. My love for them is still strong. I use their Women’s Stank Stop plus the Pit Spritz for added stank stopping power (because we have already identified that my pits take the cake!) Here are the ingredients: Coconut Oil*, Arrowroot Powder*, Shea Butter*, Tallow from Organic Grass-fed Cows, Baking Soda, Non-Nano Zinc Oxide, Beeswax, Lavender Essential Oil, Clary Sage Essential oil. *Denotes An Organic Ingredient. The Pit Spritz ingredients are: Witch Hazel*, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar*, Magnesium Oil, Aloe Vera Gel**, Rose Water, Lavender Essential Oil, Clary Sage Essential Oil. *Denotes an organic ingredient. ** Denotes a non-GMO ingredient. Fatco is one of my faves because it works well and doesn’t stain my clothes. It can leave my armpits a little irritated after multiple uses, so I like to wear this in rotation with my other faves. I also love so many other products in their product line. My love run deeps for Fatco!
I love how simple and effective this deodorant is. I like that it has a drying quality to it since I know how to sweat! I’ve been using the regular strength option with the following ingredients: Aluminum-free sodium bicarbonate, lavandula angustifolia (lavender), and melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree). They also have an extra strength option as well as cedarwood options for more of a warm, woodsy aroma. This deodorant lasts a really long time because you need very little each time you apply. It keeps me fresh and dry for several hours. It can irritate my armpits if I put it on right after shaving, but very minimally. I would also encourage you to read up about The Duggan Sisters. They are 3 sisters who have battled serious health challenges and have overcome. You will leave their site feeling extremely inspired.
Primally Pure
Thank you, Instagram follower @just_me_healing for the recommendation! I’m totally in love with this deodorant. Yes, in love! It keeps me dry, smelling good and does not irritate my sensitive little pits or stain my clothes! Here are the ingredients: Organic Arrowroot Powder, *Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Tallow from Grass-Fed Cows, Organic Beeswax, Baking Soda, Non-nano Zinc Oxide, White Kaolin Clay. I’ve been using the sensitive deodorant and also the regular version with lavender. The unscented sensitive works surprisingly well with the kind of odor I produce! I will say the regular lavender one keeps me smelling better longer and doesn’t cause irritation. They are both really great options whether you need a more sensitive or regular type of deodorant.
All of the above options are great choices and personally I have found that they work even better when I rotate all 3 from time to time. For instance I’ll use Primally Pure for 3-4 weeks then Fatco for 2 weeks, etc. Also, depending on the level of stank, I may need to reapply after a few hours. Those are two big things I’ve discovered during this massive investigation: Rotate them + Potential Reapply = No Stanky Kacy!
Our Hope
We have been researching and trying these products plus many more over the years and hope that we will at the very least help you narrow down your search of natural, non-toxic deodorants. We try to keep it positive so we aren’t giving a list of all of the deodorants that we have tried, but if you would like to know please comment below or send us an email and we will let you know. We hope that this helps you have fresh pits and confidence that you aren’t stinky throughout your day!
We didn’t want to tease you with all these great products and not give you the opportunity to try them out for yourselves. You can click on the links above and they will take you directly to the products for purchase, but you can also try your luck at our Giveaway with over $80 worth of products. You will receive one LifeStinks deodorant, one Primally Pure Lemongrass Deodorant, one FatCo Women’s Stank Stop Plus and the Pit Spritz, one Sweet deodorant as well as The Paleo Dieter’s Missing Link. All you have to do is like our Sisters Undercover Facebook Page, Subscribe to our Newsletter on SistersUndercover.com (you will receive our free E-Book; 15 Natural Remedies To Kick Your Cold And Flu To The Curb too) and/or follow us on Instagram. Of course if you are already doing all the aforementioned things you can still enter! Click on Giveaway or the link below to be directed to this awesome stink free giveaway! This giveaway begins today Tuesday Sept. 6, 2016-Saturday Sept. 10, 2016 at midnight. We will be notifying the winner Monday Sept. 12, 2016.
Our Faves + Book Giveaway
To stay up-to-date on our product reviews and investigations, join our sleuthy community!
Have you tried any of the above deodorants? What were your findings? Do you have any other natural deodorants that you just love and would like to share with us? Comment below.
(Note: Some links in this post are affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here).
Thank you for all of this information! I too suffer from stinky pits! I haven’t used traditional deodorant for a couple of years but haven’t had any luck with healthy alternatives. I have tried primal pit paste, lavanilla, lafes, coconut oil and tea tree oil to name a few! I also have very sensitive skin:/ I’m going to Expo East in a couple of weeks and will seek out these companies in particular. Thank you again for this article! ?
Hi Melissa! You are more than welcome for the info! Us stinky folks need to stick together! We actually found Fatco and Life Stinks at Expo West, so we know you will find GREAT companies at Expo East. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!