Whipping up something on the 4th or in the summer heat that is refreshing and doesn’t require the stove is my kind of cookin’! This recipe is simple and flavorful and has no heat emitting appliances required! Odds are, if you come over to my house in the summer, I’m going to be feeding you this recipe. Odds are, if I’m coming over to your house for dinner in the summer, I bringing this over! On a hot day it just tastes AHHHMMAZING. It is my go-to. My ace in my back pocket. It always gets rave reviews too which doesn’t hurt the ego! 🙂
Before you keep scrolling just to get to the recipe, here is a quick breakdown of some the ingredients and how they will benefit your body:
Cucumbers: Keeps you hydrated, flushes out toxins, aids in weight loss (holler!) and has great minerals like magnesium and potassium.
Red Onion: Is loaded with vitamins and minerals, helps to prevent heart disease and research is showing that daily consumption may prevent chronic illness (what the what? Awesome!)
Avocado: This is a good fat, y’all! It contains potassium like nobodies business, is heart healthy, loaded with fiber and can help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Cilantro: So you either love or hate cilantro. Regardless, it is filled with some good stuff. It helps detox the body, contains antioxidants and vitamins and can reduce LDL cholesterol.
Make your body happy. Make this recipe this summer.
- 4-5 Cucumbers
- 1/2 Red Onion
- 1 Large Avocado
- 1 Lime
- 1 Cup Loosely Packed Cilantro
- Olive Oil
- Salt
- Pepper (omit if AIP)
- Garlic Powder
- Onion Powder
- Peel the cucumbers if you're not in the mood for the skin
- Cut them length wise and then with the halves, cut length wise again then chop (pictured below)
- Toss them in a large bowl
- Add 2 T. of olive oil and coat the cucumbers
- Dice half of a red onion and put that in the bowl
- Coarsely chop the cilantro and mix in with the other ingredients
- Juice a whole lime
- Add 1 t. of salt
- Add 1/4 t. pepper
- Add 1/2 t. garlic powder
- Add 1/4 t. onion powder
- Dice up the avocado last and lightly mix that in with the other ingredients right before you serve.
Here’s a breakdown of some of the steps for all of you visual learners out there….BREAK IT DOWN!

I cut the cucumber in half length-wise twice

Chippity Choppity

Diced up onions in with the cukes!

Getting ready to juice the lime

The end result goodness!
Do yourself a favor and bring this to any BBQ or get together over the summer and wait for the pats on the back.
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Do you have a go-to summer recipe that you just love?
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